
912次浏览     发布时间:2024-02-04 13:37:42    



1.against 表示“碰; 撞; 紧靠; 倚”;例如:

  • throw them against the ground 将它们扔在地上
  • brush against the floor 擦地板

2.against 表示“反对; 与……相反; 逆; 违反”;例如:

  • Even the government is against him. 甚至连政府都反对他。
  • They always go against the law of nature. 他们总是违背自然规律。

3.against 表示“以防”;例如:

  • Walking upright makes it easy to find food or guard against enemies. 直立行走使它很容易找到食物或防范敌人。
  • You must make sure they have a warm, solid shelter against the wind. 你必须确保他们有一个温暖、坚固的避风处。

4.against 表示“对……不利”;例如:

  • The evidence is against him. 证据对他不利。
  • The jury's verdict went against him. 陪审团的裁定对他不利。


1.表示“沿着; 顺着”;例如:

  • walk along the narrow street 沿着狭窄的街道走
  • move gently along the river 沿着河边缓缓地前进

2.along 表示“靠着……边”;例如:

  • Snow covers the streets and is piled up along the sidewalks. 雪覆盖了街道,在人行道边堆积着。
  • Small towns along the railways became abandoned. 铁道边的小城镇被遗弃了。


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