decide中文意思? “做决定”只会用decide?其实这些表达更加地道形象

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1) MAKE UP YOUR MIND 做出决定,下定决心

This phrase means to make a choice or to decide, after having spent some time weighing all the pros and cons, considering all options; at the end of the day when you have finally reached a decision, this is called making up your mind.

Example: It wasn't easy for me to make up my mind about which job offer to accept, but finally, I have decided to work at Intel.

2) ON THE FENCE 犹豫不决,无法决定 (原意为坐在篱笆上,画面感是不是很强?)

If you are on the fence, it means you are torn between two options and you can't make up your mind about which way to go. Remember to say: on the fence about sth/doing sth, on the fence between A or B

Example: I'm on the fence about going to England or to Australia for my working holiday.


You can say this when you want to express that all factors have been taken into consideration. You indicate that you are making a judgment after taking all the facts into account.

Example: All things considered, the local council stands by its decision against prematurely lifting Covid-19 restrictions.

4) TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT 要就接受,不要拉倒

If you say this to someone, you are telling them that they can either accept your offer... or not. Your offer in nonnegotiable, which means that there aren't any other alternatives and you are indifferent to whichever option that person chooses.

Example: This is our final offer – take it or leave it.

5) FISH OR CUT BAIT 当机立断; 要么全力以赴要么索性放弃

The original version of this expression derives from the fishing industry, in which fishermen must literally decide who is to fish, and who is to cut the bait used for fishing. You either have a fish, or you cut it up into bait to catch more fish. This means to make a decision or give someone else a chance.

Example: You've kept me waiting for weeks on your decision. It's time to fish or cut bait.


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