choice中文意思? 三个美女做“选择”,原来choice还有这个意思!赶紧mark

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When the mortals present finally came to be served , Odysseus , disguised as a stranger - guest , was given the choicest portion of meat ,“ long slices from the chine ,” which he deserved both as guest of honor and because he was , in reality , the master of the feast .


choice: n.& adj.


1.选择 (可数n.)

Eg: We offer a wide choice of wines and beers.


Eg: He was a possible choice.

3.have no choice but to do...:别无选择,只能做......

Eg: The men had no choice but to obey.

4.make a choice: 做出选择


上乘的,高品质的 Eg: choice wine

choose: v.选择

choose to do sth.

Eg: I chose to ignore his advice.

select: v.精选(经过深思熟虑)

Eg: All our instructors are carefully selected.


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