composition翻译中文? composition什么意思

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ition,常见的名词后缀,更多例子还有:addition, exposition, exhibition, etc.


  1. 音乐作品、乐曲,
  2. 作曲的过程、技巧,
  3. 绘画或摄影作品中人物或物品的的摆放方式——构图、布局,
  4. 作文(学生写的作文,这种说法已过时),
  5. 某物的构成、成分


造句:We have to write a 800-word composition about this owl.

We have to write a 800-word composition about this owl.

The composition of this photograph is great.

This composer composed this music composition. (顺口溜,哈哈)

This composer composed this music composition.


  1. a piece of music that someone has written
  2. the process or skill of writing music
  3. the way that people or things are arranged in a painting or photograph
  4. a short piece of writing about a particular subject, done by a student
  5. the parts, substances, etc. that something is made of


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