grows的中文意思? grow及其短语的用法

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grow可以用作及物动词和不及物动词。最常见的意思是“生长,成长,长大”,它是作为不及物动词。比如:Orange trees won't grow in this climate.在这种气候下,橘子树是不长不长的。Around them, roses grow in great abundance.四周都长满了玫瑰。

作为不及物动词grow还可以表示“发展,增加,增大”。比如:The village is growing into a town.这个小村子变成了一个镇子。The report shows how a business has grown this year.报告体现了我们的生意今年的增长情况。My difficulties are growing.我的困难越来越大。

grow可以用作系动词,意思是“变的”,它后边可以跟形容词。比如:It grew colder as night drew on.夜幕降临,天变得更冷了。The sea is growing calm.大海变得平静了。 Truth never grows old.真理永远不会变老。

另外,grow用作系动词时,它后边还可以跟过去分词。比如:I have grown accustomed to looking after you.我已经习惯于照料你了。I’ll grew more advanced every day.我一天比一天进步。I grew excited and a little frightened.我兴奋起来,还有点害怕。 After a time I grow dissatisfied with the work.过了一段时间,我对这个工作变得不满意了。

grow后边也可以跟介词短语或者动词不定式。比如:It has grown out of fashion.已经过时了。She is growing to like him better.他慢慢变得喜欢起他来了。I'm growing to hate him.我变得越来越恨他了。

grow的另外一个意思是“种(花或者庄稼)”,它是及物动词。比如:We used to grow beautiful roses.我们过去种了很多漂亮的玫瑰花。He grows vegetables.他种蔬菜。This looks like good soil for growing wheat.这个土壤似乎种小麦不错。

grow还可以和from搭配,意思是“由……长大,由……发展起来”。比如:The business of the firm grew from very small beginnings. 这家公司的业务是从小到大发展起来的。

当我们要表达“成长为,发展成……”的时候,可以用grow into。比如:Seeds grow into new plants.种子会长成新的植物。He has grown into a fine young man.他已经长成了一个漂亮的年轻人。

常用短语是grow up的意思是“成长,长大”。比如:Your children are growing up very quickly.你的孩子们正在快速地成长。I grew up on the farm.我在农场长大。

grow up还可以指“发生;发展”。比如:A dispute has grown up between them. 他们之间发生了争执。

另外,grown-up可以用作名词,指“成人,大人”,它是一个可数名词。比如:There are no grown-ups there, only children.那只有孩子,没有大人。The grown-ups watched as the children played.孩子们在那玩儿,大人们在旁边看着。


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