
781次浏览     发布时间:2024-04-03 18:57:19    

中国是一个很神奇的国度,世界各地都遍布着中国人。曾经一个旅游博主出境旅游,但是走到哪里都能听到熟悉的汉语。这也足以说明华人的比例在世界人口上是很高的。排名前十的华人国家分别是新加坡、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、文莱、柬埔寨、加拿大、印度尼西亚、澳大利亚、秘鲁、缅甸、菲律宾、美国、韩国、越南、法国、 俄罗斯。其中排名第一的新加坡更是有70%的人口是华人。

China is a very magical country, with Chinese people everywhere all over the world. Once a travel blogger traveled abroad, but he could hear the familiar Chinese wherever he went. This is enough to show that the proportion of Chinese in the world is a high population. The top 10 Chinese countries are Singapore, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Canada, Indonesia, Australia, Peru, Myanmar, the Philippines, the United States, South Korea, Vietnam, France and Russia. In Singapore, 70 percent of its population is Chinese.


However, these Chinese are people who have obtained overseas nationality, but many of their relatives are still in China, so many times they will care about their relatives, and when their relatives are seriously ill, they want to return to China to take care of them themselves. But they have no Chinese nationality, so they need to apply for a visa to come to China. China Q visa is a kind of visa issued to overseas Chinese who visit their relatives. This visa facilitates his return to visit relatives. And the Q word visa is divided into Q1 visa and Q2 visa.


Today mainly talk about China Q1 visa, Q1 visa issued for family reunion to apply for residence of Chinese citizens' family members (spouse, parents, children, children, siblings, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and spouse parents) and foreigners with Chinese permanent residence qualification family members (spouse, parents, children, children, spouses, siblings, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and spouse parents), and apply for entry residence.


The Q1 visa is a long-term visa that can stay for more than 180 days, and applicants can apply for an extension according to their own circumstances, for up to 5 years.


The applicant needs to prepare a series of materials when applying for the China Q1 visa. According to the different conditions of the applicant, the materials they need to prepare are different. The following is a list of materials prepared by QVisa with 15 years of visa processing experience for those who want to apply for the Q1 visa in China! Need of friends must collect!


The original passport valid for more than 6 months and one copy of the photo information page of the passport.


The visa application form of the People's Republic of China is truthfully filled in.


1 recent, front, color photo and pay on the form.


Those who have had Chinese nationality and later joined foreign nationality who apply for a Chinese visa shall provide the original Chinese passport and a copy of the photo page of the passport; if they have obtained a Chinese visa and apply for a new foreign passport, the original foreign passport photo page and the obtained Chinese visa copy; if the name recorded in the new passport is inconsistent with the original passport, the relevant official certificate shall be provided.


If you apply for a China Q1 visa for family reunion, you must provide:


An invitation letter issued by a Chinese citizen living in China or a foreigner qualified for permanent residence in China shall contain the following contents:


Personal information of the invitee: name, sex, date of birth, etc.;


Access information of the invitee: cause of arrival in China, date of arrival, place of residence, period of residence, relationship with the invitee, source of expenses, etc.;


Inviter information: name, contact telephone number, address, signature of the inviter, etc.


A copy of the Chinese ID card of the inviter or a copy of the foreigner's passport and permanent residence permit;


The relationship between the applicant and the inviter family members (spouse, parents, children, children spouse, siblings, grandparents, grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and spouse parents) certificate (such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, the police station or kinship certificate, etc.) the original and photocopy.


If you apply for a Q1 visa for foster care purposes, you must provide:


notarial certificate or certificate of foster care issued by Chinese embassies and consulates abroad;


The original and photocopy of the client's passport and the certificate of kinship with the foster child (such as marriage certificate, birth certificate, kinship certificate issued by the police station or notarial certificate of kinship, etc.);


A letter of consent to accept foster care issued by the trustee to accept foster care and a copy of the front and negative sides of the ID card;


If both or one of the parents of the foster child is a Chinese citizen, a copy of the certificate of settlement of the Chinese parents abroad at the time of the birth of the child.


Other supporting materials provided by the embassy and the consulate-general according to the case requirements.


The above is the materials required for China Q1 visa. If you do not know how to apply, you can choose to consult some visa agencies. But some of the online visa agency quality is different, it is easy to step on the pit, often those who say that the insurance signed institutions are not very credible, so to polish your eyes!


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